Digital Downloads
Now you can relax and enjoy hypnosis in your own home.
Orla has prepared a selection of useful and relaxing hypnosis audio downloads for you to purchase.
Once you have purchased your download, you may download the file to your PC, laptop or phone to listen to as many times as you like. The digital download will also be emailed to you together with your receipt of payment.

Take Back Control of Alcohol
31 minutes
LIke many people during and before lockdown, alcohol has been a constant habit for some.
This hypnosis audio can assist you to take back control of alcohol in your life.

Declutter Your Mind
14 minutes
This audio helps to relax you and rest your busy mind.
You can listen to this daily or before sleep.

Remembering to Love Yourself
13 minutes
This guided meditation brings you to deep levels of relaxation and allows you to reconnect with yourself and to love and accept who you are. Listen to this daily or before sleep. Always listen when it is safe to do so and never while driving.

Meet Your Inner Child
27 minutes
Deep relaxation and clearing self-meditation.
You can listen to this audio before sleep.

Letting Go - Self Hypnosis
26 minutes
This self hypnosis audio brings you to deep levels of relaxation and guides you towards letting go of anything your no long need. It can help heal issues from the past, anger, fear, self doubt and much more. Listen to this daily or when needed. This can be listened to before sleep and brings you to a deep state of relaxing.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
34 minutes
This self hypnosis audio will help you to stop grinding your teeth.
It will also bring deep relaxation into other parts of your body.
The Power of the Imagination
Children and teens can be wonderful subjects for hypnotherapy change work as they are skilled at accessing their imagination and are very willing to engage visualisation, which allows their creative mind do most of the work. We see this all the time when children become engrossed in play or gaming. They really can enter the world of imagination so easily and freely.
Unlike many adults who often struggle to let go and may have fears or blocks about allowing their subconscious mind take control and allow the change work to begin.
Hypnotherapy with children can be accessed through play and conversation.
Hypnotherapy can help with a myriad of symptoms and both physical and mental issues.
To ensure your treatment is tailored to you, I always speak to my clients before we commence sessions.